Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Condos in Mountain View, CA - good inventory

It's a great time to be selling a single family home in Mountain View. Quite a different story if you are selling a condo. There are many units on the market and some have been on the market for quite a few weeks, if not months. Very good consideration when rents in Mountain View are quite steep. One bedrooms walking distance to Castro Street and my favorite restaurant Xanh starting at $349,000. This is an excellent price to be in the heart of Yahoo and Google.

Palo Alto Investment Property Rents High

I just got a call back from the leasing agent at about a 2 bedroom apartment near downtown Palo Alto. I had requested the info because a question came up about renting in PA. $2,500 for a "remodeled" 2 bedroom, 1 bath unit walking distance to University Avenue and all the wonders of Stanford Univesity. Wow! Rents are approaching the dot com days. This is especially true in Palo Alto, Mountain View, Los Altos and Cupertino. The rent vs. buy analysis starts to look very buy favorable.