Group: Bay Area Apartment Brokers Forum - Established 1986 - (22 Years)
Guest Speaker: John Klimp - Mayfield Management Company
Topic: The Multi-housing Due Diligence Process
Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 - 8 AM
Place: First American Title Company, 1737 North First St., San Jose
Breakfast: Continental Breakfast - no charge - First American Title/Exchange
Chairman: Richard Domich - CB Richard Ellis
Vice Chairman: Keith Suddjian - Cornish & Carey
Membership: Kari Noomen - Washington Mutual
Sponsor: Mary Kay Kennedy - First American Exchange
Sponsor: Joe Campi - First American Title
Sponsor: Paul Monaco - First American Title
Note: All present will have an opportunity to present their listings, buyer requirements,
as well as their analysis of current events and market trends that directly effect
the multi-housing (apartment) industry in Silicon Valley and greater Bay Area.
Adjournment: 9:30 AM
Sept. 10, 2008 Puneet Singh - Nuisance Tenants 2008
Oct. 8, 2008 Ken Orvick - Apartment Management Issues 2008
Nov. 12, 2008 Michael Thomas - How Technology is Changing Real Estate