The lending world is opening its doors up to investors who want to
purchase single family homes as investment properties in greater
numbers. (This applies to other 1- 4 units rental properties too -
condos, townhouses, PUDs, duplexes and fourplexes.)
In 2007 it was impossible to find a lender that would loan to an
investor with more than 4 investment property loans in his portfolio. A
few years ago, select mainstream lenders lenders bumped the number to
10 loans per investor. Finally there is at least one lender who will
allow 20 loans in a portfolio.
This number is aggregate even if a couple loans are with Bank of
America, some with Wells Fargo, a few with Citibank, etc. Four was a
very restrictive number, 10 is better, but there definitely are
investors out there that own dozens of financed rental properties.
Their ability to refinance was also stymied.
Outside of that restrictive box are hard money lenders, portfolio
lenders, commercial lenders and lenders in the 5+ unit apartment market
We have solutions for you if you are interested in buying or refinancing a rental property.