Tuesday, September 23, 2014

7 Unit Walk to Beach Apartment Building for Sale in Santa Monica

I just reviewed a wonderful 7 unit fully occupied apartment building, walking distance to the beach in Santa Monica. This is an excellent property for a long-term hold. Existing rent control in Santa Monica means that when tenants do vacate, old rents will go up to market rents. In some cases this is over $1,000 per unit. The location and the quality of the building also makes for a perfect building to keep  one unit for personal use. Flights on Southwest Airlines are $120 round trip if your book early! The building is offered at $2,500,000 and will require a very hefty down payment of $1,500,000 due to the low existing rents. But, to be able to buy a building in that location at $357,000 per unit and $402 per foot is rare. This is an excellent opportunity for a patient investor.